Debbie Grayson Lincoln and Hubby Mike Lincoln


Debbie Grayson has been very happily married to college sweetheart, Mike Lincoln, since 1973.  Two kids, boy/girl. Three grandchildren. They have lived in the country with cows, horses, etc. most of their 46 years together. Built an oil change business, sold the business and retired 2006; RV-ing since 2000; huge garden where they raise most of their food; Methodist church members. Debbie has been a graphic artist, then studio artist most of her married life, as well as a quilter. “Life is good and I have received much more than I deserve.” Debbie Grayson Lincoln

Laurie Pace

Child of God, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Oma, Artist, Musician, Writer, Website Designer, Starch Strong Plant Based